Publication: WearMe study conceptual model and design


Early 2019, I presented the conceptual model and research design for the first study in my PhD trajectory at eTELEMED 2019 in Athens. After winning a Best Paper Award for that contribution, we were invited to submit a full article at the International Journal of Advances in Life Sciences. On December 30th, the publication that I wrote with my supervisors Dr. Wim Kamphuis, Dr. Hilbrand Oldenhuis, Prof. Dr. Cees van der Schans and Prof. Dr. Robbert Sanderman became available here and can be downloaded (PDF) here.

In the article, we begin by describing the rationale for our WearMe project. We then introduce a cyclical conceptual model that is based on existing literature. The model visualizes how we anticipate that the buildup of negative consequences of stress might work on a day-to-day basis and contribute to the development of potential long-term health and wellbeing problems. Finally, we operationalize the included concepts in a measurement model. This includes the use of wearables and EMA apps to measure constructs like sleep, heart rate variability and multiple subjective measures.

Upon writing this, the data collection period of the described study is being completed. With the collected data, we will test the hypothesis that were described in the conceptual model and explore if within-subject trends in relevant daily outcomes can be identified and linked to mid-term (5-15 weeks) mental health outcomes. We hope to publicize the findings of this analysis in the second publication within my ongoing PhD trajectory and for the findings to guide us in the direction to take in iterative follow-up studies.

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